Art Therapy Program

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Exceptional, Accessible care for teens and their families.
The best way to recover from a substance use disorder or addiction is to find help from a treatment center. A dual diagnosis center in California offers treatments such as an art therapy program, group and individual counseling, and relapse prevention education that can drastically improve you or your loved one’s ability to remain clean and sober.
Teens and adolescents may struggle with substance use but are also at risk of experimenting with drugs and alcohol because they are still developing their decision-making skills. Roughly half of all high schoolers have used at least one illicit substance in their lifetime and teens are now more likely to use marijuana than tobacco.
Although the use of “hard drugs,” like heroin and cocaine has decreased among teens during the past five years, prescription drugs, marijuana, and alcohol abuse remain common. Since all psychoactive substances have the potential to cause addiction, even recreational use can lead to life-long problems with drugs and alcohol.

Teens and Addiction
Teens are more likely to have difficulty controlling their emotions and exercising good judgment than adults. This is because the human brain continues to mature until the mid-20s. Part of this development includes the centers in your brain responsible for logical reasoning and decision making. Teens also deal with more intense emotions than adults, which can make teens more likely to succumb to peer pressure and experiment with drugs and alcohol.
A dual diagnosis center in California can also regularly see common co-occurring conditions among teens. Co-occurring conditions occur when you meet the criteria for a substance use disorder and a mental health disorder. These conditions are especially difficult to identify in teens because during adolescence many teens naturally are emotional, especially during puberty. Mental health disorders in teens drastically increase their chances of using drugs or alcohol as a coping mechanism which can ultimately lead to addiction.
All substances can lead to addiction. The most commonly abused substances among teens include:
- Marijuana
- Nicotine, including both tobacco products and vaping products
- Alcohol
- Prescription medications, such as Vicodin and Xanax
- Molly and ecstasy
What Is an Art Therapy Program?
Art therapy for teens in LA offers creative expression as a means to help teens recover from substance use and mental health disorders. An art therapy program provides a fun and engaging way to share complex thoughts and feelings in a safe, supportive environment. Treatment programs commonly have an art therapy program because it provides a way to share emotions that may be too hard to express verbally.
An art therapy program can include:
Reaching Out for Help Today
Finding help starts with a phone call. Call us today at 877.405.8438 to find out more about our art therapy program and our nationally recognized substance use disorder treatment programs.

We Are Here To Help.
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