Meth Addiction Treatment Program

Our Programs & Activities Will Guide Your Teen Through Rehab

Do you have a loved one who needs meth addiction treatment to get their life back on track? If so, you may feel like you’re at the end of your rope. It can be incredibly difficult watching someone you care about struggle with drug and alcohol addiction. Too many people end up losing their families or opportunities—and sometimes their lives. Find out what you can do to help a loved one overcome addiction so they have a future to look forward to.

About Meth Addiction

Meth is one of the most dangerous, damaging drugs around. While Americans hear plenty of news about the ongoing opioid crisis, it’s important to remember that there are still many other harmful substances out there.

Addiction to methamphetamine—also known as crystal meth or meth—can happen quickly, as the drug is potent and powerful. In a short period of time, individuals may be unable to feel happy or energized without it. They may start engaging in destructive, risky behaviors under the influence of meth and in their efforts to maintain their supply.

What makes people continue using meth, even when they know how damaging it is? The drug causes feelings of euphoria and alertness. It also makes them feel more confident. All of these can be very attractive to anyone, especially teenagers.

Getting them into an effective meth addiction treatment program is vital.

Signs of Meth Addiction

How do you know someone is developing an addiction to meth? Common signs that point to the need for a meth addiction treatment program include:

Concerned parents may hear their teenagers talking about “ice” or “chalk”; these are street names for meth. If your child displays the above signs, along with increased anxiety, depression, delusions, falling grades, and a change in their social group, it’s possible they need meth addiction treatment.

What Happens Without Meth Addiction Treatment?

Once someone develops an addiction to meth, it’s difficult to break that dependency without specialized treatment. Without meth addiction treatment, the outlook is bleak.

Not only can someone develop a long-term addiction, their brain chemistry changes due to drug use. For teenagers who are still developing physically and emotionally, substance use disorder can have lasting consequences.

“Meth mouth” is a common result of meth use, as a user’s teeth slowly decay from the use of the drug. They also lose a significant amount of weight and may suffer sores from constantly picking at their skin. Developing or worsening mental health disorders is another effect of meth use when timely meth addiction treatment isn’t received.

Premier Addiction Treatment Just for Teens

Destinations for Teens is an addiction treatment and mental health facility in Woodland Hills, California. Unlike most other rehab centers, however, we exclusively treat adolescents, which sets us apart in the industry.

The programs and services we offer include:

At Destinations for Teens, your child can receive meth addiction treatment that gives your whole family hope for health and healing. Reach out to our dedicated team today at 877.466.0620. We’ll start your teen on a path to long-term recovery that makes a difference.

We Are Here To Help!

Delivering personalized programs for teens that address each individuals specific needs in treatment.
Contact Destinations for Teens today to get started with our programs. Our treatment, therapies, and a community of support can make a difference as you or your loved one works towards recovery.
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